During the Ukrainian Real Estate Club meeting on November, 13th 2008 the opinion survey was held. Among respondents there were 14 representatives of development business, 7 representatives of consulting agencies, 7 representatives of land business and of financial institutions and law firms.
46% respondents stated the negative influence of the global credit crunch on their company’s activity, 18% noted absence of any influence and 3 persons mentioned negative influence of the global economic crisis in general, but not on their company. Only 2 individuals mentioned positive crisis influence.
About 50% respondents confirm they felt negative influence some months ago, 29% - during the last month, and only 4 participants do not feel any crisis influence. As to the forecast of the crisis duration, more than 50% believe the crisis will be continuing throughout the next year, the rest of the respondents are more pessimistic, some of them call 2 or more years.
70% respondents are confident that only really professional companies will survive through the crisis, those having strong financial partners and high-quality projects. 50% mentioned that after the collapse the marked will become less speculative, more professional and structural. 20% respondents believe that some of international companies will leave the real estate market of Ukraine, as well as that many local companies will go bankrupt.
Thanks to all survey participants!