Kiev, April 10th, 2009 - Ukrainian Real Estate Club consolidates real estate market players and representatives of the city authorities at public Forum "How to raise investment attractiveness and implement Kiev real estate market potential in the short and long term".
In spite of complicated economic situation in the country and globally as well as general negative investment climate Ukrainian Real Estate Club got together in Hyatt Regency Kiev Hotel more than 80 market players and representatives of the city authorities under the motto "Search and Implementation of Kiev Real Estate Potential".
The Third event organized by the Club became the place to see the top-managers and the owners of such companies as Stolytsya Corporation, KDD Group, Esta Holding, AMSTAR EUROPE, Tiko-Construction, Kiev Investment Group, DÅCPM Group, Midland Group, Ukrainian Development Group LLC, ICC Stolytsya, Gerts Group of Companies, City State, Silver Centre, Strategy Foresight Ltd, Aerobud Company, Ukrainian Land Association, AURORA Development, Chapman Taylor, Panorama Group, DLA Piper, Vasyl Kysil and Partners, SALANS, UTG, Dolphin Strategy, METRO Group Asset Management, Dragon Capital, Baker & McKenzie, Ernst & Young, Joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, Unicredit Bank, UkrsibÂank, Swedbank, ERSTE Bank, Investkredit Bank AG and many others. The Heads and partners of major consulting companies as DTZ, Colliers International, CBRE, Jones Lang LaSalle, Knight Frank were present.
Among the city authority's representatives who visited the Forum were Sergey Bronevitskiy, acting the Head of Main Office of City Planning, Architecture and Design of Kiev State Authority, Evgeniy Samartsev, the Head of National Public Council on Tourism and Resorts as well Konstantin Porovchuk, vice General Director of Planning and Architecture under Ministry of Family, Youth and Sport in Ukraine.
The organization of such significant event for the real estate market was possible due to the sponsor support of Mistral Ñapital Group.
Sergey Gaydaychuk, the initiator and the Head of Ukrainian Real Estate Club's Organizing Committee began the Forum with welcoming speech and presented the idea and main principles of the Club to the audience. Specially invited guest from Russia - Peter Kudryavtsev, General Director Building Media Group and Co-organizer of Moscow Club of Developers, reported on the role of similar organization on real estate market of Moscow and region, noted the investment opportunity prospects of Ukrainian real estate and good timing for establishment of the Club so that market players can consolidate their efforts for common problem solving.
The main part of the Forum was opened by the speech of Anatoliy Kinach, President of Ukrainian Association of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Member of the Parliament who defined main targets of implementation of the Law on Construction Field and Residential Construction Development in the Situation of the Crisis. Ivan Medinskiy, General Director Mistral Ñapital Group, agreed with the point of view of the previous speaker and added his opinion on attractiveness of Kiev market for local as well as foreign investors.
Sergey Bronevitskiy, acting the Head of Main Office of City Planning, Architecture and Design of Kiev State Authority in his speech defined the main ways of implementation of Kiev market investment potential and highlightened the changes in the process of receiving of all necessary approvals and permits for new construction. The hotel development deserves a particular note and for this reason Evgeniy Samartsev, the Head of National Public Council on Tourism and Resorts was invited as a speaker.
The foreign investors' and developers' point of view as to the attractiveness of the Kiev real estate was presented by Gerald Bowers, General Director EFG Property Services and Rostislav Levinzon, Managing Director Plaza Centers in Ukraine. "One cannot but agrees that Kiev market is rather interesting for any investor. Though the risks of development and investment activity in this country are too high and no one can deny it". This is the general opinion of foreign investors.
Nataliya Kochergina, Partner of international law firm DLA Piper noted the main legislative problems of Ukraine in the process of attracting foreign investments on the real estate market.
The moderators of the Forum Nick Kotton, Managing Director DTZ in Ukraine and Tatyana Shulga, editor-in-chief Building Business in Ukraine summarized the speeches of all speakers.
For all invitees of the Club the event continued at the invitation-only party where in informal atmosphere every guest could share the opinion and discuss urgent points with other market players.