On February 12th, 2008 the second event organized by Ukrainian Real Estate Club took place in the conference hall of Vozdvizhensky Hotel. Vozdvizhensky Hotel was chosen for the second time as its comfortable atmosphere was noted by the guests during the first meeting. The event was sponsored by Investment and Development Company, Mistral Capital Group; the media partner - Building Media Group.
The second meeting of the Club gathered together even more players and professionals of the Ukrainian real estate market. Representatives of HCM Group, Êiev Investment Group, DÅCPM Group, East One, Hares Group, Silver Centre, «Òiko-construction», Evo Development, Global Solutions, DeVision, Akron Group, Bovis Lend Lease, GLD Invest, VS Energy International, Private Group, Corporate Property Investment, Midland Development Group as well as representatives ofconsulting and law firms took part in the meeting.
The main subject for discussion was “Global experience in overcoming crisis on real estate markets and forecast for Ukraine”.
Natalya Stelmakh, the Head of the Investment department, DTZ, Steven Anderson, Managing Director, Hugo Global Consulting and Dominique Menu, the Head of BNP Paribas in Ukraine were the speakers of the meeting.
The next Club’s meeting is scheduled on April.
Event in Press: