Kiev, September, 22th - In Premier Palas Hotel the 5th meeting of the Ukrainian Real Estate Club took place. DLA Piper in Ukraine, the international legal services company became the general sponsor of this meeting. The event marked the beginning of a new season at the real estate market, the players of which are expecting some activation.
More than 50 representatives of the market players, members and guests of the Club, took part in the meeting. Property owners and top-managers of such companies as DTZ Ukraine, Chapman Taylor, DECPM Group, Midland Group, Plaza Centers, representative office of HSBC Bank plc in Ukraine, 1849 plc, FBK "Pagoda - Invest", Raiffeisen Evolution, DeVision, MLP Ukraine, Gardiner & Theobald LLC, Helios Eastern Europe, Logos Development Group, Pafilia, «Tiko-Construction», Vercon Development and many others.
Milen Georgiev, Senior Banker of EBRD's office in Ukraine lead off the official part of the event unclosing the main priorities of EBRD in real estate and banking segment financing. Taking into account of the current market situation as well as quite high requirements of the bank to real estate projects it is clear that no projects will get financing this year, and the approval process that usually takes no less than 6 month making it worse.
The speech of Henrich Filvarov, Doctor of the Architecture, Head of the Urbanistic Institute, also sparked interest. Mr. Filvarov who has been rising the issue of development of Kiev potential within existing city limits for many years highlightened the problem of outdated both physically and morally residential areas which can be increased ten times with the help of complex redevelopment.
Special guest of the event, Luciano Capaldo, Dr.Ing, FRICS, Chairman RICS Europe, ended the official part of the evening with his presentation of the RICS and uncovered the main trends of the Central and Eastern real estate market.
The latest event of the Club was finished traditionally with informal party that allowed the Club members and guests to network efficiently.